Wendy Sallin

Wendy Sallin is a resident and small business owner in Carlsbad Village and loves her small beach community! Her journey into the world of art started by happenstance during the pandemic when she was unable to work as a Massage and Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist. She has always been fascinated by and drawn to the look and feel of mosaic art, even as a child. She has always felt drawn to it due to how the eventual "whole" is comprised simply of small, individual pieces that come together for one experience. This is true of mosaic art and also of life in general, where each moment comes together to create one's life story.

Wendy’s board is named “Warm Waters” after a well-loved local surf spot in Carlsbad. The tempered glass pieces are imperfectly shaped and fragile but come together for one solid abstract design celebrating the ocean’s movements. The glass catches reflections of light and sun, giving the design even more life. Each board has a story to tell.