
Icarus, Fine Art
The painting "Icarus" is an Oil painting on wood. Implication -- If we don't save our oceans, all wildlife and humanity will suffer, much like Icarus who flew too close to the sun.

Fine Art (Oil Painting)    16 x 20    $650.00    https://studiokatz.c...   

<p><b>Darlene Katz</b> is an award winning artist, originally from Syracuse, NY, now based in Southern California. See her award winning work in</p>
<p>Southern California galleries, national juried shows, and internationally in private and corporate collections.&nbsp; Inspired by her travels as well as everyday scenes, she creates a series of oil paintings for each subject she paints, highlighting her versatility with color, value, and subject matter.&nbsp; Darlene paints landscapes, figures, portraits and animals, and one of her specialties is commissioned work. She enjoys capturing special moments of our lives in her paintings, whether it’s a wedding, birth, or a dog with a favorite toy. Her work is technically proficient without losing the freshness of her painting, no matter what the subject, and her unique style is recognizable in all of her work.&nbsp;</p>
<p><b>Artist Statement:</b></p>
<p>I have been a professional artist for over 20 years. My inspiration comes from everyday life. I create a series of oil paintings for each subject, allowing me to tell a story, whether it is about our relationship with the environment, our pets and family, each other, or our daily life. I am a scientist by training and an artist by choice and I believe that identical skills are necessary for both art and science.&nbsp; Art requires a knowledge of technical information and science requires creativity. Both are necessary to develop an emotional response in the observer .&nbsp; In my own paintings, I look for value, composition and simplicity.&nbsp; My goal for each painting is to capture and preserve a unique moment in time because no matter what the subject matter, that moment is unique.</p>